Food Humor

Everyone needs a good laugh and on this page you’ll find some of our favorite food funnies from around the web. We are always updating (so visit often) and looking for more humorous food. If you have a picture to share, send it our way and we’ll post it.

                               For more food humor, check out and our Facebook page!

Found on Pinterest. Original source is located on the photo.

found on Pinterest

found on Pinterest

Found on Pinterest HAHAHA!

Found on Pinterest

"Icing It" Found of Pinterest.

“Icing It”
Found of Pinterest.

Ugh, microwaved bacon!

Ugh, microwaved bacon!

Happy Easter!

                            Happy Easter!        found on Pinterest


Happy Turkey Day... or your bird of choice-

Happy Turkey Day… or your bird of choice-


Okay, okay, it was me in costume. Found on Pinterest

Okay, okay, it was me in costume.
Found on



I will always make an association with Star Wars and chocolate cookies w/ milk.

I will always make an association with Star Wars and chocolate cookies w/ milk.

After a wonderful snow fall (86 the car accident) I can't get my car up the hill to go to work; but hey....

After a wonderful snow fall (86 the car accident) I can’t get my car up the hill to go to work; but hey….

Pastry humor found on

Pastry humor
found on



Holiday Humor: What are you having for your holiday dinner?

Holiday Humor: What are you having for your holiday dinner?

Our Festivus Pole

Our Festivus Pole

Get your holiday's dinner ready!

Get your holiday’s dinner ready! Holiday humor/food humor

Gingerbread family making babies :)

Gingerbread family making babies Holiday and baking humor

Don't you look at her!

Don’t you look at her!


What's your favorite food TV competition show?

What’s your favorite food TV competition show?

Carrot Love

Carrot Love

Say People!

Say People!


Egg Humor HAHA!


Food humor

“You’re the good kind of fat!” That’s what they all say!

Funny shaped food:

Funny shaped food:


Oreo Speedwagon

OREO Speed Wagon; originally found on Pinterest


This really made me laugh.

This literally made me laugh lout loud!



Double Stuffed and Delicious!

Double Stuffed and Delicious!

Lettuce Turnip the Beet!

Lettuce Turnip the Beet!

Salt with Weapon

This is fitting for the weather most of the east coast has been receiving this year.

This is fitting for the weather most of the east coast has been receiving this year.

Today with the wind chill the temperatures hit below zero. I found this and thought and thought it fit the day :)

Today with the wind chill the temperatures hit below zero. I found this and thought and thought it fit the day 🙂

I feel like eating some....

I feel like eating some….

Found on Pinterest, original source unknown.

Found on Pinterest, original source unknown.


HAHA! Food laughs!

-Jewels; found on Pinterest

-Jewels; found on Pinterest

Found on Pinterest

Found on Pinterest


Baking humor

From eecards.

From eecards.

Sad news everyone

Sad news everyone


cookie vs cracker cookie monster

                This image was found at:

calories                                                  These images were found on Pinterest.cupcakehealthy

granny smith

                                                         This picture was found at

cookie monster

                                                       This image was found at

cookie is not amused

                                             This image was found on Pinterest

dessert pinterest


              This image was found on Pinterest, but originated from

balanced meal vs pie

This image was found at I wish this were a real pie!


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